Online marketing is developing very rapidly, since companies, brands know the benefits of it.
Generally, benefits showed by 5S (Smith & Chaffey).
However, what companies gain, depends on what type of online presence.
Social Network or Community Site is one type of online presence.
Social Network build connection between a group of people, they may share whatever they want. That is goes beyound geographic or culture.
When business people desire the benefits of Serve and Sizzle, they could use social network, since this is reaching a large number of people.
Serve - Get closer to customers. The network maybe members of companyies, so that members able to communicate each others also to companies.
Sizzle - Extend the brand online. Community or network is able to "spread" the advantages of a brand to each other rapidly and closely. That maybe some sharing. This similar "to word of mouth".
Online business people need to choose carefully about the type of onloine presence to get certain benefits.